Research at DU
Redefining research. Reinventing possible.
At the University of Denver, our research contributes to humanity’s understanding of the world—and by doing so, serves the public good. Join us and leverage relationships and resources to connect with faculty members, students, and change-making funding. Be empowered to engage in groundbreaking work. And help fuel our campus-wide commitment to innovation as, together, we encourage research and scholarship that pushes boundaries of what was previously thought possible.

$20M Research Awards Amount of new award funding DU received this year. Of the 132 new grants funded in FY24, 13 were more than $500K.

36,307 Citations Number of times the work of DU faculty was cited this year in industry publications and reference materials.

258 Principal & Co-PI Investigators
Research with Impact

Q&A: Ritchie School Researcher Combatting Heart Disease
Valentine’s Day is here and hearts are all around. But Feb. 14 is not the only day you should be thinking about hearts. February is American Heart Month, dedicated to raising awaren...

DU Researcher Takes On Chronic Gut Disease
The gastrointestinal tract is home to hundreds of species of bacteria—some harmful, some helpful, and some, known as pathobionts, that shift from harmless to problematic as a result...

Research-Backed Ways to Save Your Marriage and Avoid Divorce
Need a wedding gift for a happy couple in your life? Well, look no further—psychology professor Galena Rhoades has the perfect idea: her latest book, “Fighting for Your Marriage: Po...